
Welcome to the deviated runner!

Bottoms up!

             Bottoms up!    

This blog is my attempt at documenting my journey towards a fitter, healthier, happier lifestyle.

After losing my dad in October of 2012 to a heart attack, I am determined to be as healthy and happy as I can be under my own power.  I have two precious daughters and a loving husband- I owe it to them to stick around for as long as I can.

Allow me to start by saying, I am by no means a runner.  I enjoy Pilates and ballet style workouts, so vigorous, hardcore butt-busting workouts leave me breathless and exhausted. That being said, I also like to challenge myself, so just because those things are hard, I’m ready and willing to try.

I should also acknowledge that I have not been consistently active in the past 10 years or so- working out seemed to be more of a 3-4 month experiment once a year, usually ending with an excuse.  I am hoping this ‘diary’ will be a powerful motivational tool, and help keep me on track.

I also plan to share my goofy family, and daily musings with all of you as well, since they are a huge part of what makes me- me!   Enjoy!




One thought on “About

  1. Pingback: Consignment + Lunch Date | The Deviated Runner

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